
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Nothing Better Then Peach Cobbler Summer's Best Fruits

Hello to all you foodie friends out there in web land hope all is well with you on this fine July day.  I'm in Texas now enjoying visiting with our relatives and we will be traveling a lot while we are here.  While traveling we will be doing some eating as well.  Any where from seafood's to peach cobbler which is the subject of this blog today.  There are a few different ways to cook a Peach Cobbler a cake like dish or with a crust, which is the way I prefer a cobbler to be cooked.  Your crust should run though your cobbler after all that's the best part of a cobbler is the crust.  Yes we are at my sister-in-laws house and she wanted me to make a cobbler with the peaches that we bought to her from South Carolina any who after I make the crust she Say's, "O, I don't make my crust I buy it" however she wanted me to make my crust.  I guess you just had to be there.  Any who the trick to a great crust is butter and ice cold water while making the dough.  You also don't use too much flour to roll it out on.  My daughters birthday was last week and she wanted me to make her a peach cobbler but I made it the way she likes with a cake like batter any who she has now decided that she wants the crust for her cobbler so when I go home am going to be making her another birthday cake of cobbler and by the way the best way to eat  cobbler is with Ice Cream, of coarse.  We also made some good tasting Coconut Shrimp for dinner as well last night.   If you want the cake cobbler recipe just write me at  I hope you give this recipe a try and please go like my fan page on face book at Cooking With MadJon and Friends or watch the TV shows at

Peach Cobbler


2 1/4 cups Flour, all-purpose
1 tsp. Salt
3 TBSP Sugar
1 stick Butter
2 TBSP Oil
3-4 TBSP Ice Water

Mix your dry ingredient's together and then blend in your butter and oil until its crumbly.  Then make a well in the mix and add your water one tablespoon at  time until it foams a workable dough.  It will look firm now divide the crust into balls.  Then put your dough in the refrigerate to harden a little, about 30 minutes to make it easier to roll out.  You will lightly dust your surface and top of dough for rolling and then roll out your dough to fit your 10" by 10" greased baking dish.  This makes a two pie crust.  One is for the bottom of the pan and the other one is for the middle crust and top crust of cobbler. If you are using a pre-made crust then add sugar sprinkled onto the pie crust top before adding your peaches for baking.                                                                                                                                                                                                           8 peaches peeled and sliced, save peelings
1 1/2 cup Sugar
1 tsp. Apple Pie Spice
1 tsp. Cinnamon
3 TBSP Flour
1 TBSP Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 stick butter

Mix all ingredients together till they are well blended.


Place peach peels in pan with, 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon Lemon juice, and water to top of peach peels.  Bring to a boil for about 10 minutes and drain off juice to add to the peaches.  Mix with the peaches. Then add to the peaches 1 cup sugar, spices, flour, Salt, melted 1/2 stick butter. Note:  Adjust Sugar according to your taste for sweetness, add or subtract. Another option for you is to bring out the sweetness in your peaches you may want to cook your peach batch with all your ingredients and then cool it and start layering for your cobbler.

Pre-heat oven to about 400 degrees and roll out your bottom crust.  Place bottom crust in your greased pan and bake until it stats to brown.  Now pour half of your peaches onto your bottom crust and roll out your second ball of dough and cut it in strips.  Put some strips on top of your peaches in the pan and return it to the oven and bake until its starting to brown.  Then add the rest of the peaches on top of your first layer and top the peaches with the rest of your cobbler and top with a little butter and sprinkle with a little sugar and butter and bake until that crust is nice and brown.

Now if you want to use a pre-made crust there is nothing wrong with that because that's what they are made for after all my sister-in-law does it and so do I when I need to save time.  Enjoy this recipe and your summer.  Bona Y'all.  Happy trails to you until we meet again.

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