Well Hello to all my foodie friends out there in web-land and a Happy New Year to us all. I've been in Texas for a couple of weeks visiting family and eating my way from the Texas border all across the state of Texas and we didn't stop eating until we got back to the South Carolina border. Funny how that works and I loved every bite of it! We ate anything from Seafood to Tex-Mex and it was all good tasting stuff. It made my tongue want to lick my belly as good food should. While we were there I was reading some of the words that we are not suppose to use in 2015 and would you believe some non-thinker thinks it a good idea to cut the word Foodie out of our vocabulary however I think that the non-thinker just doesn't like to eat, maybe there taster is off or they never had one to start with. Any who Foodie is a word that will stick to my tongue though the next 2015 or until I can think of another word to replace it. Tonight we are going to talk about Tomato Soup and there are just a few recipes that you can make with lots of different spices that you can use but I suggest you use spices that are likable to your palette. I make grilled Cheese Sandwiches to pair with this soup. Any who I hope that 2015 finds you Happy and Healthy and rich. Give this recipe a try and if you have any questions please feel free to email me at madjon51@aol.com

Tomato Soup Creamed
1/2 stick Butter
1 Onion diced
5 cloves Garlic, Minced
3 ribs Celery diced
2 tsp. Sweet Basil
1 tsp. onion & garlic Powder
3 TBSP flour
2 Bay Leafs
Melt the butter in a large pan and add the onions, celery, garlic, onion & garlic powders, bay leafs, cook until the onions are clear in color, add the flour and mix well.
Add to the rouge
1 28 oz crushed Tomatoes
2 cans of roasted Tomatoes, diced
4 cups chicken broth
2 cups Half and Half
Salt and Black Pepper to taste
2 TBSP Sugar
Blend all ingredients and bring to a simmer then cook on low heat until thickened. White cheese to sprinkle on top of soup before serving. Cook soup on low for about half an hour.
Happy Trails to you until we meet again. Come like my face book page, Cooking With MadJon & Friends. Bona Y'all.
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