Hello to all my foodie friends out there in web land again its MadJon and tonight we are going to be talking about some Ranch Chili made with some ranch Venison. We spent a few days at the ranch in Texas before the first of this year. Its always fun to go to the ranch and see what's cooking and this visit we had the Mexican food and ranch breakfast packed full of all the breakfast meats like thick sliced Bacon and Venison pan sausage which is very tasty I might add. We get up early to Debbie's Texas Coffee and its around 5:00 am in the morning. At that time I need tooth picks to hold my eyes opened. The hunt is on with the gays and dolls who hunt run out the door to sit in a blind and wait for their deer to come out in the open and claim the shot. Any who you do have to hunt the deer or they will over ran the ranch and anything that you kill on the ranch has to be eaten no matter what it is. I don't go and hunt, no way am I gonna take a chance on killing something wild that I have to eat not to mention me having to clean and dress it, no sir not this cookie. Any who so I stay behind like a good cookie and help with the cooking of the breakfast meats, eggs, and gravy yum yum. Makes me hungry just thinking about it like when your camping and you smell all the foods cooking in the morning air. Food never tasted so good as when you are out doors camping, cooking. and eating. Any who let's get back to my story. The second time I visited the Chapman ranch my hubby and I stayed in the front bedroom off the kitchen and we had settled in for the night and all was quite in the house. Then when I was just about asleep I saw a light and then looked up and there was a black figure hovering over me I let out a death scream and it made me come right out of the bed and I ran over to my hubby's bed and tried to get in bed with him and he said Eileen what the hell is wrong with you he about jumped out of his skin and he told me to go back to my own bed and I said no I saw a figure and am not sleeping over there by myself so we put the beds together and I hardly slept that night but I had the blanket right up to my neck all night and you know no one came into the bedroom to check on why I screamed. So the next morning I got up as soon as I heard Debbie moving around and I said I saw a ghost or something last night. She said yea we heard you scream and thought that's what may have happened. His been seen a few times by guest in that room. Once was with her daughter in law and she says she will never sleep in that room again he sat at the foot of her bed and she that it was her boyfriend and she let out a scream as well and also Debbie has experienced his presence. One night one of the hands was staying in the bunk house and he was the only one on the ranch that night. He was washing his dishes and saw that the light was on in the house so he went and cut the light off in the bedroom and then went back to the bunk house to finish his work and when he looked up again the light was back on and he thought well maybe there a problem so he did that about three times and he left the ranch that night to spend the night in town and he called and told them that he'd go back in the morning that the light kept coming on in the house and he knew he was the only one there. So anyway this is a true story I promise you and I have spent the night one other time in that room and in the middle of the night my hubby's phone and mine both made a noise and I woke up to the phones not being charged the next morning. Any who that's my story and am sticking to it. So are we ready for some chili?
Debbie's Venison Chili Recipe Texas Style
1 pound ground Venison
1 Onion Diced
1/2 Cup Chili Powder
2 cans diced Tomatoes
1 can Ranch Style Beans
3 TBSP Flour
3 TBSP Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 can water
Heat your oil in a pan and add the onions to start browning. Add the meat and the flour and brown. Salt and pepper the meat mixture. Add the chili powder, tomatoes, and beans plus a can of water. Simmer chili for about half an hour or so. Serve with cheese and some Frito. Now if you wish you could add some bacon, garlic, cumin and a can of beef broth to the mix.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and I hope you don't see any ghost reading this story. You know the house was built in the 1800s so am sure the family members have enjoyed his visits in the past. Remember if you have any recipes to share my email address is madjon51@aol.com and come like my fan page on face book Cooking With MadJon & Friends. You may also watch the cooking shows at aikenstandard.tv Happy trails to you until we meet again. MadJon. You can now buy DVD's of the TV Cooking With MadJon at http://www.northaugustastar.com/section/astv09
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