
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Summer Salads Garden Apple Dumplings Government News

Hello foodies out there in web land I hope your summer is going well.  We been busy with getting our grand-daughter ready for the college tour.  Yea for her am so proud of her and she worked hard to get to where she is now.  Congrat's Maddie.  Any who I've been trying to get some weight off with smaller portions and watching what am eating  Salads are a great thing to eat in the summer because they help keep you cool and helps keeps some of the weight down.  I like to make salads and I also like to make up recipes for dressings.  Rule of thumb is its 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 cup oil.  I always add my spices mixed into the vinegar before I add the oil to the mix that way the spices get mixed thoroughly   I also like to add a protein with my salad to make it more filling and last longer for you.  I use cranberries or fresh fruits when ever I can.  Salads are like a personal thing to me, you can mix whatever your little heart deserves to make and it will come out very tasty for you.  We like pasta salads a lot around my house as well  I do try and pair my foods like I use corn and Black Beans as well in my salads.  Any way you eat a Salad is OK with me.  Am going to be giving you a dressing recipe to try.  I gotta tell you today I was running and fell broke my toes it looks like and my arm is feeling tight as well and my palm of my hand is wounded so am going to go lye back down in a little bit if you don't mind.  Any who the Apple Dumplings we made on one of the TV shows and they are so easy to make.

Cooking Sherrie                                        ¼ cup
Oil                                                              ¾ cup
Seasoned Salt                                            1.5 tsp
Black Pepper                                             to taste
Sugar                                                          2 TBSP
Onion and Garlic Powder                          1 tsp each
Fresh Basil                                                 6 leafs cut small

Apple Dumplings

2 Apples peeled Corded
2 TBSP Butter
4 TBSP Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Cinnamon
1 package ready made pie crust

mix the sugar, cinnamon, melted butter together.  cut the apple in half and cut the crust in four rings.  Pour half apples with the brown sugar mix and place on the pie crust and wrap.  Cook in a pre- heated oven at 375 degrees until the dumplings are nice and brown serve hot or cold.  I like them with Ice Cream on top.

 Come watch the tv show at, come like my fan page on face book, Cooking With MadJon & Friends  Send me a message about any food's that you may have a question about.  As to the Government I just want to say stop the party line stuff and President Obama please lead us in a fashion that we deserve and you deserve.  As to the IRS missing E-mails I do think its odd that her e-mails went missing and so did six other people that she sent them too.  Just come forward and tell the truth it will set you free and just maybe we will forgive you and move on.  Its called being a good leader  Happy trails to us all and I do hope my body heals FAST!  Bon'a Y'all.

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