Hello to all my foodies friends out there on the web, its MadJon again coming to you to talk about Polo and some Peppered Steaks. First I will try to send some picture for this blog.

Here are some of the photos I took during the Polo game. It was the 11th Annual Pacers & Polo match. I happened to be invited by Caroline who is one of the sponsors for the Pacers and I might add that her team won, Burger King was the winner of this match. It also was the third and final event of the 2014 Triple Crown-the Pacers and Polo Triple Crown Match. The two teams that played were, Burger King and the South Company. Each team played a total of 6 seven minute Chukkers. A Chukker is the length of time in polo lasting 7 minutes. The object of the game is to get the most goals, which is any time a ball crosses the line at any height between the goal post. Each team consists of four mounted players. The teams change sides after each Chukker, so its hard to know which of your teams has made the goal, or at least it was for me. I overheard several people say who got the goal? Any who I thought the horse and team members worked really well together to make the goals. I can see where the horse and player would really have to work together as a team to make a goal. The players use several different horses or (Mounts, "polo ponies") during a game.so they may use like 6 different horses for each match. It looked like soccer only they were riding horses and using polo sticks to make the goal and the ball is a lot smaller. Any who I enjoyed going out and help "stomp the divots", which is the tamping down clumps torn up by the horses hooves on the field. Well I hope I remembered most of what I learned yesterday about a polo match. If you live in the CSRA you may go a watch a Polo Match on Sundays in Aiken at Whitney Field or contact Aiken Polo Club for more information. Any who Outback served some really great food and the peppered Steak was one of the dishes however they didn't give me the recipe, LOL. So I do have one that I use for grilling my steaks. I hope you give it a try. Come like my fan page on Face Book, Cooking With MadJon & Friends. Follow me on twitter at @madjon51, and watch the cooking shows at, aikenstandard.tv.
Peppered Grilled Steak
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
2 tsp. Black Pepper
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Onion & Garlic Powder
2 TBSP Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Instant Coffee
2 tsp. meat Tenderizer
2 pounds steak, your choice
Mix the soy sauce with all the spices, sugar, tenderizer, and coffee. Mix till blended. Now add the mix to the oil. Place the steak in a plastic sealed bag with the marinade for about 3 hours or more. Grill steaks for about 4 minutes on each side over a medium-high heat until desired doneness.
I hope you give this a try, bon'a Y'all. Write me at madjon51@aol.com with any questions or recipes you may need help with. Happy trails to you until we meet again.
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