
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Father's Day, Coconut Cream Pie & its June 19th What Already!

Hello to all my foodie friends out there in web land and I hope posting is going well.  As for me I can't believe that this is the 19th of June 2013 already!  Time just flies when you get older.  You turn around and it seems like a month is a day in my life.  I've been busy with about 4 catering jobs and 3 shoots so far this month.  Making lots of changes to recipes and trying to decide if am going to make another e-cookbook.  I started with a radio show on with some other special cooker type chefs out there in radio land now.  Wish us luck on that its never been done before but am always ready to lead the way into the unknown of entertainment.  Radio is a lot harder then you think it would be because you have to just keep on talking even if you think it doesn't make any sense, my shows are unscripted so you just keep on talking.  I like to talk about foods and would I can remember to throw a story or two in there it seems to just flow.  Any who father's day just went on by me but I did manage to throw my hubby a bone or two.  That's why I made a Coconut Cream Pie for him, that's one of his favorites.  My dad loved it as well.  I did did manage to think about my daddy this father's day and I had a dream about him, I rarely do that.  Any who at least he came to me a couple of weeks ago to say Hi how ya doing?  He was a mess while he was on this earth of ours.  He made his presence well know to the human race.  He was bigger then life and he lived it the way he wanted without thinking what anyone thought of him.  He bowed down to no mans or women for that matter.  He was self-made man.  He made great money, a womanisers and a hell raiser all in one package.  If he got in trouble with a women he'd just get us up in the middle of the night and off we'd go to advantageous unknown until we got there.  He'd leave everything we had except for the clothes on our backs and we'd start all over again, what a life and that type of life took us from the East, West, South of North of this great country of ours.  There were six of us kids, five girls and one boy.  We were like traveling bandits, with no where really to call home.  Sometimes we were in a different school every three months.  It was very exciting to live like that going to different places all the time, it was like a vacation year round, I miss that, the traveling, its like you get a chance at a new life and new adventures your whole life.  Anyway I miss him however I don't miss his drinking and hell raising.  Any who daddy, happy Father's Day to you where ever you are and I hope that you are having some fun.  The way we lived at least made us friendly to be around.  Any who I hope you all had a great Father's Day.  Now let's get some pictures up of this pie
making and give you a recipe to try. Come like my fan page at and watch the TV shows at .  Please try this recipe and write me at if you would like to share any recipes.  Happy cooking to you all and happy trails until we meet again.  Go make some memories of your own.

Coconut Cream Pie

1/4 Corn Starch
1 Cup Sugar
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Salt
2-3 Cups Half and Half
3 TBSP Butter, optional
3 Egg Yolks, beaten
3/4 cup flecked Coconut

3 Eggs Whites
1 tsp Vanilla
 pinch of Salt
3 TBSP Sugar

1 9" Pie Crust, cooked and cooled

Mix the sugar, salt, cornstarch together in a pan and then add the milk, vanilla, and egg yolks and blend until smooth.  Heat on simmer until the pudding thickens and then add about 3/4 cup flaked coconut to the mix and place in a cooked pie crust. You may ad the butter if you wish to the mix while its hot totally up to you. Then beat you egg whites till they are stiff.  Then add the vanilla, salt and sugar a little at a time and beat till smooth.  Top it on the pie and bake at 350 until nice and brown.  Serve hot or cold.  If you want a firmer fulling add no more milk but if you want it thinker add a little more milk to the mix.

Coconut Cream Pie

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