
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Driver Licence Daughter and Grandson Summers Best Foods Squash Fritters or Strawberry Pie

  Hello to all my foodie friends out there in web land hope all is well.  Its MadJon again and am sending you best cooking wishes your way.  Its summer and we have our garden and fresh fruits and vegetables to use in our cookery lessons today.  However its raining here and our grandson will be taking his first driver's Ed class today, smart mom to send him on the streets with a professional its safer that way on all of us.  Any who I had to force my son to get his Drivers License and it took him three try to get it.  Our daughter couldn't wait to get her freedom and she's that way. the story goes that I was letting her drive to go get her drivers license and of coarse she wasn't listening to me tell her to slow down, she has a lead feet like her dad.
Any who here come the blue lights behind us and I looked at her and said I hope he gives you a ticket because you didn't listen to me.  Get your permit out.She rolls down the window and smiles and says am so sorry officer did I do something wrong?  I rolled my eyes and said give her a ticket for not listening to me and terri smiles and says am on my way to get my drivers licence and the police man smiles back and say well you know the speed limit is 35 on this road and says am just going to give you a warning this time.  However you need to listen to your mom and good luck on your test.  She's still that way smiles and get a warning  I get a ticket but of coarse in my younger days I didn't get a ticket either  Any who I wish all the new drivers good luck out there in car land.  The pictures I have here are on baked squash but a post reminded me of Squash Fritters so am sending you a recipe for them.

Squash Fritters
3 to 4 Squash grated
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp. Onion & Garlic Powders
1/4 cup diced Onion
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup Flour
1 chopped Jalapeno

Mix all ingredients and make some patties.  Dust the patties with flour and fry them up in a pan in about 1/2 inch oil.  Cook them on both sides until they are nice and brown. You may need to add more flour depends on how they patty for you.  You could also roll them in Panko before frying them up.

Let me know how these do for ya and if you have any questions about any recipes please email me or twitter, Face Book me. #madjon51 and fan page is Cooking With MadJon & Friends.  Happy summer and Happy trails to you until we meet again.

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