Hello to all my foodies friends out in Web Land its Madjon again coming to you from the great state of South Carolina. Boy what a busy Nine days our country has had with shut downs, tour Buses being delayed by gunpoint at Yellowstone. Our Government not paying benefits to our fallen soldier's families and the WW11 veterans being turned away or barricaded out of the WW11 memorial in D.C. Then the closing of the Normandy National Park as well, by the way I didn't know that our president ruled in France as well, with veterans being locked out. You know veterans the ones who fought for our freedoms that we are suppose to have in the good old USA. Freedom, what a word, its definition is: The condition of being politically free or the state of not being in confinement or servitude. What is the definition of servitude: its a noun, and it means a state of subjugation to an owner or master. Is that the state our country is in now or where we are headed? I don't know about you but am not use to someone telling me what to do and how to do it. Am so tried of hearing that we are to do this and we are to do that! I know by writing this blog I could be subject to persecution,meaning, excruciating punishment though certain agencies within our government. When a citizen of a state or country fears persecution or is punished in anyway for saying what they think or speaks out against a government then you are no longer living in a free country. Has our country come to this? How sad. Lets take the health care act Pol after pol shows that most American,76 percent, do not want this health care bill and yet our government made it a law anyway and besides that i keep hearing our Representatives say, well its the law you can't change it, that's not true. Slavery was a law at one time and it was changed. One way to stop the Health Care Act is to not pay for it as citizens then it will be defunded. Its cheaper for you to pay the fines. Our government should be fair about this and bring it before the people to vote on it, state by state, why should you force us to obey laws that we disagree with. We are no longer a government for the people or by the people we are a government for the government as we stand today. Also let's talk about the closing of all our National Parks and even Private Parks. Now the Definition of private is: belonging or confined to a particular person or group as opposed to the public or the government: private property. Mr. President you closed the parks and private lands, and who pays for them, we the people do, not Mr. President. If it were all about not having money then sir you would have let them open The Smoky National Park but no you said it wasn't fair to the other parks. Sir I know that it is true because I called the Mayors office and talked to them and they said that had calls from all over the United States. So I say to you Mr' President stop messing with your citizens your fight is with the Republicans not the citizens of these United State of America, which by the way used to be the land of the free and home of the brave. However with the IRS on citizens backs because of their believes does not make us a free country anymore, when your citizens are afraid to speak their minds then we are not longer a free nation. I hope each and every citizens in this country, no matter what your political believes are still want a free America. You need to let your voice to heard even if the White House is not taking calls at the moment. My mother, Jeanne V. Newby, always said mark my words,that if you don't watch it they will take you over without firing a shot. Both my parents fought and were injured during WW11 and am writing this because that is what she would have wanted me to do. It may not even be read but at least I wrote it. So am calling on you Mr' President to tear down your barricade's that you have had our government build and leave the citizens of these United States alone. I believe this could appear to be called abuse of power. Tear down your barricade's and let the people back into there house Mr. President. If you choose to let us back into our house, then maybe you can work on putting us all back together so that we are one nation under God and not a divided nation. I say God Bless you Mr. President and God Bless the United States of America.

Beer Stew
1 pound of Beef Stew or pork
cut into small cubes and dusted with salt, pepper, onion, garlic powders and browned in oil on both sides. Place in a heated crock pot.
3 carrots, cut and peeled
Potatoes, 2 each, diced
1 Onion diced
4 cloves garlic minced
1 dark Beers
Place all of these ingredients into your crock pot
2 Bay Leafs
3 Beef Bouillons
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 can of water
toss this all into the pot and cook until the meat is tender and the juice is thickened. Bona Y'all.
Come like my fan page on face book at "Cooking With MadJon and Friends". Watch the cooking show at aikenstandard.tv. Happy trails until we met again.
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