Hello to all you foodies out in Web Land I hope all is well. A while back I was in D.C. visiting my son, Chris, who happens to live a couple blocks from the Navy Yard where the shooting took place by Aaron Alexis who killed 12 people and wounded several others. It was a sad day for our nations Capitol when he decided to take a shotgun and kill those twelve victim's in such a cowardly manner. While I was there we walked down to the Navy Yard to see what was going on and took some pictures and watched as the helicopter's were taking people out of the Navy yard that day. It was overcast and dreary that day. We were hearing all kinds of rumors about them looking for other shooters and heard from one of the news trucks that Andrews Air Force Base had a shooting but none of that was true. Just all rumors. However they did find a extra badge that was with the victims that can't be explain why it was there. It was a badge of a man that had retired in 2012 and he had turned that badge in so they still don't know how that ended up there. Any who my friend Anne works with the victims families all day long and we took paper goods and clip boards to them and were on stand by to help them the next day. I was interviewed by BBC live about 6 times that day. I could only tell them what I saw and what the mood was in D.C. that day. People were in lock down and you could hear the helicopters above your heads. The locals said it reminded them of 9-11. Any way you know the rest of the story. However they did ask me about gun control and in D.C. you aren't allowed to carry a gun as a private citizen./ I told him really that someone didn't need a gun to kill someone, after all they used box cutters and airplanes to kill about 3,000 Americans as we all know. Alexis had mental problems so they say. Any way it doesn't help ease the pain for the victims families from such a cowardly act on unarmed people. BBC needs to ask them what they think of gun control not me. However it was a gun that took him down as well from a D.C. Policemen. We went down before I left and started a memorial for the victims and no way does that make up for the pain of losing someone in a shooting but I hope it helped to show some respect for the victims and their families as a reminder of what guns and the people behind them can do. Am so sorry for all the people who were killed that day my hear goes out to them. I also for the thanks all the volunteers and the Victims Advocacy headed by my friend Anne Seymour for all the help they gave the victim's families in the Navy Yard Shooting. The only season am putting up this recipe it is one we served that day. Happy trails until we meet again. MadJon.
Roasted Brussels Spouts
1 package Chopped Brussels Spouts
Salt and Pepper to taste
3 TBSP Olive Oil
Pre-heat you oven to about 375 degrees and roast your sprouts for about 10 minutes, turn them and roast them again for another 10 minutes. This is a great recipe that brings out the flavor of your sprouts. You need to mix the oil, salt, and pepper together before roasting.