
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summers End Bounty From Our Garden Stuffed Italian Fried Okra

Hello to all my foodie friends out there in web land.  Madjon here and I hope all is well and that you enjoyed your summer.  The kids are back to school here in South Carolina.  Labor Day holiday is in just a few days.  Maybe you all can make some of this wonderful Okra for your holiday cooking menu.  We have had a lot of the bounty from our garden again this year.  The Okra plants must be a good five to six feet tall this year.  That's what Chicken Poop does for a garden.  Any who I was introduced to this wonderful vegetable called Okra early on in my life, being that my dad was a big mountain man from Tennessee.  He is the one that did most of the Southern cooking at our house.  Okra was high on his list of foods to have us eat along with the pinto beans, greens and yes that wonderful Buttermilk Corn Bread that he used to cook.  Sometimes I'd sit and watch him eat the corn bread hot with cold Buttermilk poured on top.  I could never understand how he could eat such a combination of food!  My pallet just couldn't get past the sour in the buttermilk.  Any who my mom would drink buttermilk for a upset tummies, as she called it.  Any way am suppose to be talking Okra.  You know all you northerners are missing out on not eating Okra because its slime, heck that's the whole fun of eating it.  Did you know that Okra is a natural thickener and high in fiber.  Its been around for centuries and was bought here by the slaves from Africa.  It has been used to make rope and the seeds have been dried and used for coffee.   You can boil it, bread and fry it, stew it with bacon,  Roast it, stuff it and even dry it and use it for chip dipping.
Now I have not even listed half the uses for this wonderful vegetable.  There are a lot of uses for it in Indian recipes.  Any who this is just one way that I enjoy using the Okra.  Last year I stuffed it with Feta Cheese and Jalapeno peppers.
This year I made it an Italian way browned on some olive oil.  So I hope you all give this recipe a try, shall you.

1 doz. okra, cleaned, slit okra and seeds removed
Salt and Pepper Okra to taste


Three Italian Blend Cheese's 1 Cup
1 tsp. Onion Powder
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Dried Italian Seasonings
Mix all ingredients and fill your Okra pods.

1 Cup Corn Meal
1/2 Cup Flour
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 Egg, Beaten

Mix all ingredents and heat about 1" of oil in a pan and roll the filled okra in the egg and then roll it in the dry mix.  Place into the oil and cook to a golden brown on both sides.  Remember to turn your pods and don't fry it on to high a heat.

I hope you give this recipe a try and write me with any comments, I always like to hear from you all.  Come like my fan page and visit itunes to buy my holiday e-book called MadJon Holiday.  Also come watch the TV show at ASTV 95.  Happy trails to you and yours until we meet again.  MadJon.  Recipes are always welcome.

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