
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas Let's Make some Eggnog Pie Goody Goody

Well hello to all my foodie friends out there in webland I hope all is well for you this holiday season.  I feel very blessed this season with my hubby getting a good report on his medical test but he is still going to have to have some surgery but he will live.  I hope that all your wishes come true for you this holiday season.  I remember one Christmas my dad lined the three older kids up and said that times were bad and the three of us would not being getting presents from Santa jsut the little ones and I was maybe six at the time.  I turned to my sister Brenda who was all of 8 and said, gee, now I wish there really was a Santa Claus.  After that I don't remember alot of Christmas gifts until after I got married and my dad made good money he just spent it all or gave it away.  We would go from rags to riches in a instant.  He would sometimes wake us up in the middle of the night and off we would be going to another state to live and he'd leave all of our belongings behind, furniture, household items and even what toys we owned sometimes we'd go of with jsut the clothes on our backs.  What a life ups and downs and all around.  I can't even count how many schools we were in and out of,  sometimes we'd live in a state for like 6 months but my dad's problem was he spent money, drank and liked lots of women even the kind with rings on their fingers.  I know that is one of the reasons we moved so much, he just couldn't keep his hands off and his pants up.  We lived on the North, South, East and West of this country.    It didn't hurt me much, I learned how to make friends and how to survive. meaning to exist in spite of adversity and to live.  Sometimes I lived alittle to much but as my mom always said, well that's the way the cookie crumbles.  She used to say all you girls make sure to use what you have to get into the front door and if your looks do that for you then so be it.  After your in then that is the time to show them what your made of.  Which everyone of us learned very fast how and what to do.  We made the best sales people in the world.  We gave the men a run for their money when it came to sales.  Out sold everyone of them and they couldn't stand us.  If fact, I had a job one time selling cars and I had to really teach myself on how to close the deal. The men hated me and the last month I was there in that little town I out sold the men and put out 7 units for the month and topped the money held on the cars.  I did alright.  Just remember that you have to ask for the sale.  They are not going to say I want to buy that car, you have to do your job and pitch it and listen to what they are saying and don't ever not pay attention to the wife or girlfriend, because they will control the sale.  Not the man, when your ready you put the paperwork in front of them and ask, may I have your business and they are going to say yes or no and if they say no then ask why not and it usually is money, then take them to the finance guy and if his any good he will close the deal for you.  It dosen't matter if you are selling a big ticket item or a small one, you sell it all the same way.  Well any who I didn't mean to get off on that I guess am remembering the Christmas at our house sometimes.  Well lets talk about Eggnog Pie and I hope that you give this recipe a try and let me know how you like it.

Eggnog Pie

1 Cooked Pie Shell, deep dish and 9 "
1 Tbsp. gelatin
1/4 Cup Water
3/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 tsp. Vanilla
pinch of Salt
3/4 Cup Milk
4 Eggs, separated
1 1/2 Cup Cool Whip

Place gelatin into the water for about 5 minutes.  Mix the egg yolks with 1/2 cup sugar, nutmeg, vanilla, cinnamon, salt, and milk.  Cook in a double boiler until thick.  Remove from heat and add the gelatin mixture and fold in egg whites that you have beaten until stiff with 1/4 cup of sugar.  Then fold into the mixture the cool whip.
Then pour the mixture into the cooked pie shell and refrigerator until cooled and ready to serve.  Optional: Bourbon to taste.

I hope you give this recipe a try and write me with the results at  Come visit me at!/CookingwithMadjon and like it. please.  I want to say have a safe and Merry Christmas and I hope you and your family have many special memories to share.  Happy trails to you until we meet again.  Please send me some recipes to share.

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